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Antibacterial agent for paint (AEM5700-C)


Products such as handicrafts and furniture are prone to mold during the production, storage, and transportation processes because they are rich in nutrients, have high moisture content, and easily absorb moisture. Applying a layer of paint or other oily substances on the surface of the product can provide certain moisture-proof protection, but the anti-mildew effect is relatively limited. Especially the use of environmentally friendly paints will also provide nutrients to mold and increase the risk of mold. If antifungal agent AEM5700-C1 is added to varnish, topcoat, primer, white mineral oil or vegetable oil, and then processed onto the surface of the product, it can protect the product from mold in high temperature and high humidity environments for a long time.

  • Safety

    no heavy metals, no DMF, in line with the REACH and other specified requirements.

  • Excellent effect

    There is a clear suppression effect, no resistance, longer lasting.

  • Stability

    it is relatively stable for acid, weak alkali solution, and free from ultraviolet radiation. decomposition temperature greater than 350℃.

  • Application Scope

    ◎Oily liquid substances: paint (primer, finish), mineral oil (white mineral oil), paint, oily glue , resin and so on.


Application scenarios

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Please select product type
  • Please select the requirement type

  • Anti-Mold agent — Glue antifungal agent(AEM5700-L)

  • Anti-Mold agent — Warehouse anti-mold agent(AEM5700-B)

  • Anti-Mold agent — Anti-mildew Spray (AEM5700-F+)

  • Anti-Mold agent — powder anti-mold agent (AEM5700-T1)

  • Anti-Mold agent — wood mildew inhibitor (AEM5700-2)

  • Anti-Mold agent — Plastic anti-mold agent (AEM5700-T100)

  • Anti-Mold agent — Anti-mold for textiles (AEM5700-O-2)

  • Anti-Mold agent — Antibacterial agent for paint (AEM5700-C)

  • Anti-Mold Chip — BIOARMOR Anti-mold chip

  • Anti-Mold Chip — KeepFresh Anti-mold tablets

  • Anti-Mold Chip — BIOARMOR Anti-mildew bag

  • Antibacterial Agents — Antibacterial masterbatch

  • Antibacterial Agents — Silver,zinc ion complex (AEM5700-A2)

  • Antibacterial Agents — Textile antibacterial agent(AEM5700-A05)

  • Antibacterial Agents — Zinc ion antibacterial agent(AEM5700-Z)

  • Antibacterial Agents — Plastic organic antibacterial agent(AEM5700-MB)

  • Antibacterial Agents — Silver ion antimicrobial agent(IPI)

  • Antibacterial Agents — Silicone antibacterial paste (AEM5700-PB)

  • Deodorant — Smell purifier

  • Deodorant — plant-based deodorant(AEM5700-16)

  • Waterproof Agent — Oil-based fluorine-free waterproofing agent(DTM648-W)

  • Waterproof Agent — Oil-based waterproofing agent(DTM648-W15)

  • Waterproof Agent — Water-based waterproofing agent(DTM648-2)

  • Waterproof Agent — Water-based fluorine-free waterproofing agent(DTM648-LW)

  • Formaldehyde Removal — Formaldehyde removal stock solution

  • Remove Mites — Mite removal stock solution

  • Deodorizing Bag — Premium fragrance tablets

  • Deodorizing Bag — Sachet

  • Deodorizing Bag — Scented desiccant

  • Detection Tool — Mildew tester

  • Detection Tool — Mold detection pen

  • Aquatic Antibacterial — Nano silver antibacterial agent

country / region
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  • 中国大陆(China)

  • 中国澳门(Macau)

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  • 阿尔及利亚(Algeria)

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